4 Ways Exercise Affects the Diabetic Body

Getting out more. Running and playing with the kids. Even taking the stairs at work. Finding new ways to raise your heart rate with moderate cardiovascular activity is an important part of managing diabetes.

But, beyond helping to build strong muscles and burn calories…Do you know how exercise is affecting your body?

Let’s find out.

#1 Reduces Your Cholesterol Levels

Part of the effect of getting your blood pumping faster and making your muscles use more energy is an improvement in your HDL cholesterol levels. This is the good cholesterol that helps remove bad LDL cholesterol from your arteries and prevents cardiovascular disease. Exercise also appears to lower your triglyceride levels, which are also unhealthy.

#2 Makes You Sleep Better

Exercise helps burn energy, work the muscles, and releases mood elevating hormones to help you sleep better. This is important as diabetics need to maintain a regular sleep schedule to aid in their body’s use of insulin. You’ll have better insulin sensitivity, fewer lows during the night, and wake up feeling more rested in the morning.

#3 Strengthens Your Bones

Certainly, exercise can make your bones stronger. The repeated impact on your bones during running or walking can encourage your body to increase their density. You may also see increased bone strength from weight lifting.

#4 Improves the Flow Of Blood

When the heart gets stronger and beats faster, and those cholesterol levels improve, you’ll also benefit from a better circulation. This means more oxygen, insulin, and other nutrients are reaching your extremities. You may even notice an improvement in your sex life. Some diabetics have problems with impotence due to fatigue and circulation problems, so this can definitely have a positive effect.

Heard enough? Then, it’s time to start moving.

How Much Exercise To Get

It’s always good to speak with a doctor before you start a new exercise routine, especially when dealing with diabetes complications. The rule of thumb is to get a balanced mix of aerobic exercise, strength training, and flexibility training. Each offers a benefit for your body from stronger muscles, to limberness, to a stronger heart.

[expand title=”References“]

Exercise: 7 Benefits Of Regular Physical Activity. URL Link. Accessed June 13, 2017.

Type 2 Diabetes and Exercise. URL Link. Accessed June 13, 2017.

The Sleep-Diabetes Connection. URL Link. Accessed June 13, 2017.

Facts About LDL: The Bad Kind of Cholesterol. URL Link. Accessed June 13, 2017.


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