Gut Bacteria Plays a Role In Metabolism & Weight Gain

For years, it was believed that the kind of calories you ate didn’t matter. One carbohydrate calorie was the same as a meat calorie, as far as the body was concerned.

But views are now changing.

In the past decade, researchers have found that the way the body treats calories is affected by the gut. Specifically, the microbiome within our intestines plays a big part in whether people gain weight.

A Study Of Twins

Researchers at Kings College in London recently finished a nine-year long study of 1632 healthy women. In fact, these volunteers were twins. Most sets featured one lean and one overweight twin. At the beginning of the study, researchers gathered each woman’s weight, BMI, height, and dietary information.

Roughly nine years later, the researchers gathered the same information again. Moreover, they requested a fecal sample from both women.

The Results

When the samples were compared, the researchers found the twins who gained weight over the years had less diverse gut bacteria. Plus, those with lower weight gain hosted two strains, Ruminococcaceae and Lachnospiraceae. Both bacteroides were previously associated with an improved metabolism in mice studies.

They also noticed that women who ate more dietary fiber had less weight gain. Interestingly, this correlation also remained strong in those with low microbial diversity. The benefits seem to kick in at between 20-25 grams of fiber a day.

Why Is This Important for Diabetics?

Obesity is one of the indicators for metabolic disorder. It can make you insulin resistant, increase food cravings, and makes it difficult to maintain an active lifestyle. If you’re trying to lose weight to control your diabetes, you may want to eat a wider variety of foods. In particular, you’ll want high-fiber fruits and vegetables to add that necessary bulk to your diet.

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Gut Bacteria Plays a Role in Long-Term Weight Gain. URL Link. Accessed July 20, 2017.

Gut Microbiome Diversity and High-Fibre Intake Are Related To Lower Long-Term Weight Gain. URL Link. Accessed July 20, 2017.

Health Risks of Being Overweight. URL Link. Accessed July 20, 2017.


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