Sugar: Cut It Out! Here’s why

sugar and diabetes

In recent years, recent research has resulted in significant changes to the nutritional recommendations made to people with diabetes by clinicians. And yet, despite these improvements, there are still misconceptions about the effect of sugar on diabetes.

Its sweet and we all crave it! Furthermore, once addicted, cutting sugar consumption is not easy. The more we consume sugar, the more we become addicted. Over-consumption of sugar and sweets can wreck a serious havoc on our health, a gospel that everyone is preaching. Therefore, if you have diabetes, it is very important to pay attention to your sugar intake.

Sugar and obesity

Consuming excess sugary substances leads to obesity. This condition results when energy intake is greater than energy expenditure. With obesity, you are likely to develop a diabetic condition. We measure obesity in many ways, but the common one is BMI. You will be considered to be obese when your BMI exceeds 30kg/m2. When you eat redefined sugar, you do not feel satisfied as opposed to eating a similar amount of food, for instance of proteins. It is because redefining eliminates essential components that can help us feel satisfied. Sugar, as it is found in most of the food products nowadays, has a high tendency to cause obesity.

Other causes of over-consumption of sugar

Several studies show that there is a link between sugary food consumption and unhealthy levels of blood fats. Consumption of a lot of sugary foods leads to high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol levels. When this happens, then you are at the risk of heart disease due to the low levels of HDL cholesterol as it is the agent that transports cholesterol from the body cells back to the liver. Since excess glucose in the body is stored in the liver, if you consume excess sugar then it will exceed the storage limit thus expanding your liver. When your liver reaches maximum storage level, excess glycogen is converted to a fatty acid that is later deposited to inactive body parts. Some of the fats that remain in the liver build over time thus leading to liver diseases.

For decades now, diabetics have been advised to favor so-called slow or complex sugars, contained in starchy foods and cereals, to appease their hunger. This recommendation is based on the ability of these foods to lower blood sugar.

[expand title = “References”]

Diabetes and obesity. URL Link . November 12th, 2017.

Your weight and diabetes. URL Link. Accessed November 12th, 2017.


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