How Diabetics Can Keep the Weight Off After the Diet Ends

Losing weight is a key way for type 2 diabetics to improve their health. Research has shown that the effort can offer many benefits. Some of which include:

  • improved insulin sensitivity
  • lowered cholesterol levels
  • reduced risk of cardiovascular problems
  • increased energy level

If you have already achieved this goal, congratulations! Changing your lifestyle and diet to lose the weight is a big deal. You have every right to feel fantastic when those pounds come off.

Now that you’ve reached the end of the diet, you’ll want to keep up a few activities to help keep that new figure.

Maintaining Your Weight

Let’s get to the point. Most people who lose weight end up putting it back on within a year. The data varies from study to study, as there are many factors involved but can be anywhere from 50% to 80%.

So, how can you keep that from happening?

There is a National Weight Control Registry with thousands of self-reporting participants that have been running since 1994. All of those who joined lost at least 30 lbs. and kept the weight off for one year or more.

Along with reporting their data, they also explained what they do for maintenance. This includes:

  • eating breakfast every day
  • eating less than 30% of calories from fats
  • eating, on average, 1,380 calories a day
  • getting at least 60 minutes of moderate exercise, 6 days a week
  • keeping a consistent meal plan
  • tracking their calorie intake
  • watching less than 10 hours of television per week
  • weighing themselves at least weekly

Research has also shown that while keeping control of your calories is important during the diet, exercise becomes more important for maintaining weight loss later on. So, when you reach your goal, be ready to switch gears and put more of a focus on your daily workout routine.

[expand title=”References“]
Type 2 Diabetes: How to Lose Weight. URL Link. Accessed June 12, 2017.

The Best Way to Keep Weight Off. URL Link. Accessed June 12, 2017.

Long-term Weight Loss Maintenance for Obesity: A Multidisciplinary Approach. URL Link. Accessed June 12, 2017.


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